Monday, December 16, 2013

Cyber Bullying - English Essay

Cyber Bullying

Imagine that you are like any teenager these days. You want to have a Twitter and a Facebook account because everyone has one. The only thing getting you through the long school day is knowing you get to go home and check Twitter or Facebook. Now, imagine someone is tormenting and harassing you on Twitter or Facebook. They are calling you awful names and making you cry yourself to sleep multiple nights in a row. Everyone tells you to delete your Twitter but why should you be the one punished? First, I will tell you why teens are so infatuated with social networks. Next, I will tell you why people feel the need to bully someone on social networks. Lastly, I will tell you why social networks should punish the bully, not the bullied. 

8 out of 10 teenagers use some kind of social media. The most important reason why teens are so infatuated with social networks is because they are popular. Celebrities use them and they are advertised everywhere. Teens also like social networks because it is a way to share a humorous video with one’s friends or to wish one’s cousin a happy birthday for everyone to see. It is also a way to express oneself, to express the things one likes and enjoys. One can share something funny that happened to a friend whom needs a laugh. Also, access to humor is available. Social networks has a lot of perks to it but can get to be an unsafe place. Why would someone feel the need to bully someone on the internet?

The easiest way to hurt someone is with words; especially words that everyone hears and can never be erased. A bully enjoys seeing someone else hurt; usually to get away from their own pain for awhile. Also, it gives a bully the satisfaction of having so much emotional power over someone. The internet has so many cyber bullies because they usually don’t get caught or punished. The bully can hide behind a computer and say awful things they would never say to someone’s face. Cyber bullying continues because social networks don’t enforce punishment or consequences enough. Why should social networks punish the bully?

When someone claims to be cyber bullied one’s automatic response is "delete it" or "log off". This is not fair and is not effective. Sure, one can delete their account or log off but all of their friends will still have their account. Deleting your own account does not take you away from the situation, teens are introduced to social networks everyday. Their friends will still inform them on what is being said about them, which does not necessarily take away the problem. Why should an innocent person be punished for doing nothing? Why should they have to delete something that used to make them happy? Another common response is to "block" the bully. This is ineffective because the bully can still see your account and this does not stop them from saying things about you. To stop or reduce cyber bullying, punish the bully. Social networks should delete a bully's account so they won’t be able to bully someone anymore. Sure, one could make another account but if they bully again, they’ll get deleted. Soon, every bully will be punished and the cycle might end. 

-In conclusion, social networks can be a safe place but rules have to be enforced. Bullies have to deal with punishment and consequences, not the bullied. We cannot keep giving the bully power, all need to stand up to them. Everyone needs to say something. What will you do?

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